T: 0425 795 738
No matter how skilled your employees are technically, poor communication skills can limit their productivity and lead to misunderstandings and inefficiency in the workplace. In Melbourne it is not uncommon to have employees from overseas who have great technical skills, but issues with pronunciation which mean colleagues and customers may not be able to communicate with them confidently.
Better English is able to draw on a range of widely experienced English and English as a Second Language teachers to provide customized programs for individual employees to assist them to improve their language and communications skills, whether they were born overseas or born here in Australia. This support can be provided onsite, or the student can travel to the teacher’s office.
Although our teachers generally work one-to-one with our clients in order to customize the program to exactly what is required, we may customize a program for several employees within the same company, if their learning needs are similar. All work-based programs begin with a needs analysis that involves the manager and/or other people the employee works with who might give useful feedback on the nature of the limits to effective communication.
Recently the CEO of the Australia-China Association of Scientists and Entrepreneurs asked Speak Better English to design a program to help candidates prepare for the Entrepreneurs Pitch Night at the Melbourne Town Hall. We designed a seminar focusing on the structure and content of a pitch (compared to academic writing, which most scientists tend to be skilled at), and followed that up with private sessions coaching individual presenters on their written and oral presentations for the night.
Dr Frank Erjang Fu, the CEO of ACASE, commented: The feedback from the projects is very positive. Thanks!"
Whether they need to improve their written skills, their presentation skills, or their cross cultural communication skills, we can develop a program of challenging and effective activities that will assist them to better fulfill the requirements of their position.
Call Speak Better English now on 0425 795 738 to discuss your company’s professional development needs in the area of English communication skills.
Mobile: 0425 795 738
Mobile: 0425795738
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